No sleep for me!

A few days before Christmas I visited the London Review Bookshop. I picked up a copy of Samantha Harvey’s The Shapeless Unease, a memoir about insomnia. My friend said I was brave for buying it - if she read it, she feared she would become an insomniac again.I’m writing this a few days after I finished Harvey’s book. I’m sitting up in bed at 1am, but I know I won’t fall asleep soon. Keeping me company, night after night, is Amber Rudd, who glares at me to say I will be quarantined indefinitely....

Skin deep: Your ultimate eczema survival guide

How do you get through uni with a skin condition? The Glasgow Guardian offers some advice from experience

You’re officially in your glow-up era, you’ve made your dating app profile, you trawl through your camera roll – oh wait, you weren’t wearing eyeshadow that night, or the time before, so why are your eyelids ruby red? If you’re an eczema sufferer, be assured that there are loads of you – 1 in 10 adults. Whether your skin condition is a minor inconvenience, or a genuinely invasive health con

A quintessential guide to Glasgow’s queer spaces

Congratulations on becoming a glas-gay. If you’re reading this in freshers’ week, you will probably find yourself in Colourfest at Hive, expecting Paris is Burning but instead grooving to Ne-Yo and Usher. It is a rite of passage.

What freshers’ week easily overlooks is that University Avenue is essentially a city within a city; there is an entire Glasgow ready and waiting for your exploration. So, whether you’re from a village still at least 25 years away from its first Pride parade, or you fin

A hopeful guide to flathunting

Glasgow’s housing market is horrendous right now. There are simply too many students wanting too few flats, and if you’re starting the semester without knowing where you’ll be living next year, it must feel really daunting. As someone who viewed their second year flat 90 minutes before I left halls for good, signing forms on shitty Avanti WiFi and frantically calling my flatmates-to-be as I headed back to England, I’m going to do my best to advise how to obtain a flat at the very last minute.

Sorry, I’m busy…

Every sodding week, you wake up exhausted. You know why but you ignore it. It’s probably still dark outside. You put on a podcast that you don’t even enjoy listening to anymore. Divert, distract, deflect. You call your mum while walking to your next engagement. It’s only a quick one, sorry. You frantically summarise your latest shenanigans and she reminds you to look after yourself.

You designate the trip up the learning hub escalators as the time to check your messages. It’s never long enough.